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The Socialnet is the foundation for how @handles work in browsers and apps.
Everyone has heard of the Internet before where you go to a .com, .net, .org etc, and get taken to a website. The Socialnet is different because instead of entering .domains you enter @handles, enter any handle like @playstation for example into your browser and you will be taken to that @handles page on the Socialnet. This would help make Inscribed Handle the definitive type of handle instead of stuff like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Because you get to an Inscribed Handle and the Socialnet by directly entering it into your browser like a website. Instead of accessing a handle on a specific website like Twitter or Facebook. Handles on Twitter and Facebook are just the handle for those specific websites. But a specific Inscribed Handle would be the definitive handle for the entire web. Socialnet is basically just like a website but you get there by entering a handle like @playstation instead of a domain like
The Socialnet allows both on-chain and off-chain pages depending on what the owner of the specific handle has opted for. @handles can either take you to a page that is off-chain and more similar to websites you see on web2 or it could take you to an on-chain page that is fully hosted on the blockchain. This hybrid approach of allowing both on and off-chain pages allows Socialnet to be versatile and provide solutions to many different problems that legacy social media just can't solve. We will develop a browser plugin to allow anyone to access Socialnet by simply downloading the plugin and connecting it to their favorite browser such as Chrome or Firefox. Our goal is to gain mass adoption of the Socialnet so browsers decide to natively support the Socialnet and at that point, a plugin won't be as necessary.